WEBINAR: Soup’s On! Release Agreements

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 21, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM CST
Thursday, November 21 @ 12:30 pm
Zoom Registration Site: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Stx0UIxGSI63dFRks21Sfw

An employment release is a legal document that an employee signs to give up their right to make future claims against their employer. Join us for a piping-hot legal discussion of release agreements that will help you avoid getting stewed.
In this session, we'll serve up:
- The Base Ingredients: An overview of release agreements and why they matter.
- Seasoning the Soup: Customizing agreements to protect employer interests while maintaining fairness.
- Avoiding a Boiling Point: How to manage employee expectations and minimize disputes.
- The Secret Sauce: Best practices for drafting, negotiating, and enforcing release agreements.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or just simmering on the surface, this session will leave you feeling soup-er confident.