Business Builders Red Button group with nested dropdown Mike Lapinski Wells Fargo Advisors/Michael Lapinski, Senior Vice President Investment Officer, Senior Vice President-Investment Officer Mary Cay Chisholm Au.D. Northwest Speech & Hearing Center, Ltd John Corbett Law Offices of John J. Corbett, Attorney Rich Kraybill Business Builders Red Membership Positive Financial Solutions LLC, Owner James Thomson Chair Thomson Insurance Agency, President Sid Doshi Avion Technology, Inc., Sr. Business Analyst Erica Chianelli FamilyForward, Executive Director Rebecca Haltman Compass, Broker Mike Lapinski Wells Fargo Advisors/Michael Lapinski, Senior Vice President Investment Officer, Senior Vice President-Investment Officer Mary Cay Chisholm Au.D. Northwest Speech & Hearing Center, Ltd John Corbett Law Offices of John J. Corbett, Attorney Rich Kraybill Business Builders Red Membership Positive Financial Solutions LLC, Owner James Thomson Chair Thomson Insurance Agency, President Sid Doshi Avion Technology, Inc., Sr. Business Analyst Erica Chianelli FamilyForward, Executive Director Rebecca Haltman Compass, Broker